
If I join 空军 ROTC, does that mean I am joining the 密尔itary?

No. If you received a four-year scholarship from high school, then the first year of college is paid for, and you can quit at the end of your first year with no obligation. If you got a three-year scholarship from high school or college then you are not committed to the 空军 until you accept your scholarship (usually in the fall of your sophomore 年). If you did not get any scholarship, then you are not committed to the 空军 until you start your junior year of college. With 空军 ROTC, we provide you with lots of opportunities to see what the 空军 is about before signing up. 虽然 you are waiting, you are getting college out of the way and having a lot of fun.



What Is The Difference Between Junior ROTC In High School And ROTC In College?

The mission of the high school Junior 完后备役军官训练计划 is to build better citizens for 美国. The mission of the college 完后备役军官训练计划 is to produce officers to serve in 空军的领导角色. Students joining our program in college do NOT 必须有JROTC的工作经验.

Do I Have To Join 空军 ROTC As A First year?

No. Any student (undergraduate or graduate) with three or more years remaining is 符合条件的. So if you are a second-semester first year student, a sophomore or otherwise and have at least three years remaining in your undergraduate studies, you are likely 能够加入后备军官训练队. If you have fewer than three years remaining, please contact our detachment to look into possible options for AFROTC participation.

Can I Enroll If I Did Not Take 空军 ROTC As A First year?

是的. 你 can enroll in Aerospace Studies 101 and Aerospace Studies 201 and be what we call dual enrolled - ie concurrently enrolled.

Can I Attend 空军 ROTC Without A 奖学金?

是的,你可以. Many of our students do not start with a scholarship, but earn one eventually. Still, at any given time, about 80% of our students receive financial assistance.

I have served time in the 密尔itary, would I still need to complete the first year and sophomore level AFROTC courses (GMC classes)?

If you have served in the 密尔itary (active duty, guard, reserve) in any branch we can grant you credit for your previous experience and waive a portion or all of the GMC classes - please contact the detachment for specific information regarding this.  Additionally, students who participated in JROTC (any branch) or CAP, attended a Military JROTC HS, or participated in another Senior 完后备役军官训练计划 (Army, Navy, 空军) may 也能获得贷款.

AFROTC学生Is Preference Shown Toward 奖学金 Cadets?

肯定不是! The fact that a cadet may have an 空军 ROTC scholarship has no 与空军生涯有关. Nor does it make any difference while in the 空军 完后备役军官训练计划.

Are There Any Restrictions As To What Students Select As Their Academic Major?

一点也没有. In fact, we encourage you to take a curriculum you are interested in and in which you have the capability to do well. 我们主要的学术关注是 you maintain a Grade Point Average (GPA) above 2.并及时获得学位 期计划. The GPA requirements are different if you are applying for a scholarship, 或者目前正在获得奖学金.

Can I Pursue Graduate Education After I Am Commissioned?

The 空军 is education-oriented and financially supports graduate studies. 你 can apply for the 空军 Institute of Technology to earn an advanced degree on 全额奖学金. Additionally, most bases have graduate college programs, and you may apply for the tuition assistance program that pays 100% of the tuition cost.

How Often Can I Take The 空军 Officer Qualifying Test (AFOQT)?

The test is offered by the detachment (at no cost) several times during the fall and spring and can be taken a maximum of two times with at least six months between tests.


If I Take 空军 ROTC Classes, Am I Committed To Military Or Government Service 一旦我加入?

There is no service commitment for students who take our classes with no intention 成为一名空军军官. For these types of students, it is only another class. If you are interested in becoming an officer, there is no service commitment during the first two years of the 空军 完后备役军官训练计划 (the General Military Course) unless you have an 空军 ROTC scholarship. 如果你决定留下来加入 Professional Officer Course (POC); the last two years of the program), you will then 与空军正式签约.  Students who successfully complete our program incur a 4-year 服务义务uation. 申请空军后备军官训练队奖学金 students, you are obligated once you have activated the scholarship and have entered 你的大二.  Regardless of when you 与空军正式签约, all students who successfully complete AFROTC and earn a commission will incur a 4-year 服务义务.

Is there an age limit for participating in AFROTC?

The maximum age limit for commissioning is 42. However, if you are interested in competing for the pilot, combat systems officer, or air battle manager career fields you must be able to complete your bachelors degree and be commissioned through 空军 ROTC 在你29岁之前.

Is The Four-Year 程序 More Advantageous For Students?


  • It gives you more time to participate in the 空军 完后备役军官训练计划 without obligation, to gain experience and to decide whether you want to continue your path to becoming 空军军官
  • 你'll have more opportunities to compete for scholarships if 符合条件的.
  • 你'll have more opportunities to build and cultivate your leadership and teamwork skills, plus take advantage of optional summer programs & 实习


Do I Have To Wear A Uniform To Class Every Day?

The only time cadets are required to wear their uniform is on Thursdays for AFROTC class. 

How Much Time Do I Have To Spend With 空军 ROTC Each Week?

The only required time is during your 空军 ROTC classes, Leadership Lab and physical 体能训练. (This equates to approximately five hours per week for first year and sophomores, seven hours per week for juniors and seniors.)



很好. Many detachments assign cadet mentors to new students. 他们可以帮助学生 find classes, get textbooks, learn to wear the uniform correctly, meet other cadets and guide them through their first year of college and AFROTC. 支队人员 and cadet wing are responsible for helping new cadets get acquainted with the program 还有他们的学员同伴. We also have tutoring programs and other forms of assistance. Hazing or other forms of maltreatment are prohibited. 你会找到教职员 and detachment staff are concerned about the health, safety and progress of the cadets 在程序中.

Can I Participate In Intercollegiate 体育运动 While A Member Of The 空军 ROTC 程序?

是的. Generally, extracurricular campus activities and 空军 ROTC are perfectly compatible – as long as you do not overload yourself with extracurricular activities. 


What Is The Commitment To The 空军 Upon Graduation?

Most officers have a four-year commitment post-graduation. 飞行员则是10年 after pilot training, and six years for combat systems officers after training. 空气 Battle Managers have a six-year commitment. 

When Do I Know What Job I Will Be Doing For The 空军 As An Officer?

你们将在一个选拔过程中竞争. The factors to be used will include your 空军 Officer Qualifying Test (AFOQT) scores, your field training performance rating, your Grade Point Average (GPA), your academic major, your Physical Fitness Test (PFT) score and the Detachment Commander 's rating. 你会知道你的具体情况 空军 career field approximately 6 – 8 months before you graduate and commission.

Do I Have To Become A Pilot Or Combat Systems Officer?

No. The vast majority of 空军 jobs do not involve flying at all. 几乎每一个 civilian out in the workforce, there is an 空军 officer counterpart performing 类似的工作.

Must A Student Go On Active Duty In The 空军 Immediately Following Graduation 和调试?

不一定. 你 may request an educational delay if you desire to attend graduate school at your own expense before going on active duty. 如果获得批准,空军 会推迟你的现役旅行吗. Delays are routinely provided if you select to 上牙科或医学院. 奖学金s also exist for students accepted to 医学院.


我没有20/20视力. 我还能飞吗??

Probably - It depends on your condition. 你 will need to speak to a staff member.

Do I Have To Major In Aeronautical Science To Become A Pilot Or Combat Systems Officer?

No. 你r academic major plays a minor role in pilot and combat systems officer selection. 你 can major in any degree program and compete to receive a pilot or combat systems 空军后备军官训练队的军官职位.

What Are The Age Limits For A Cadet To Compete For A Pilot Or Combat Systems Officer 位置?

To compete for the pilot or combat systems officer categories, you must be able to complete your bachelors degree and be commissioned through 空军 ROTC before you 都29岁了.


If I Apply For The 奖学金, Am I Obligated To The 空军 In Any Way?

No. Applying for an 空军 ROTC scholarship does not obligate you in any way. 四年 scholarship recipients do not incur any obligation until the start of their sophomore 大学一年.

When And How Will I Be Notified If I Have Been Offered A 奖学金?

If offered an 空军 ROTC scholarship, you will be notified via email after the 奖学金评选委员会召开会议.

What Kind Of 奖学金s Does 空军 ROTC Offer?

Available types of 空军 ROTC scholarships can be found on the AFROTC奖学金页面 外部网站.


What Are The Weight And Fitness Standards for 奖学金 Consideration?

To apply for the scholarship, you must complete the Physical Fitness Assessment (PFA). For instructions, refer to your online application.

If you are offered a scholarship, you must meet the 空军 Weight Standards prior 激活奖学金.

